By Tom Choy Vancouver, BC “ We must all help one another or all perish together.” Carl Sagan Time Magazine recently had an article “Lessons We Learned from the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.” People were also warned to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays only with their immediate family. Some of those who did not observe this advice indeed caught the flu virus. People were also told to wear masks and social distance. So what Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US Infectious Diseases Center and Dr. Bonnie Henry, the Health Officer of British Columbia are not really original ideas. They have proven effective in the past and are still relevant today. There was no vaccine developed in 1918 compared to today’s operation warp speed vaccine that seemed to have met the deadline of end of 2020 to deliver the first batch of vaccine. Without a vaccine in 1918, the question is, how did the virus disappear? Herd immunity developed when 70% o...